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In Mercearia Bio online store (, Bio Desafios, Lda. Makes available to Customers the following payment methods:

  1.1 Electronic via Easy Pay – Instituição de Pagamento Lda.:

    a) Multibanco Reference – should you choose this method of payment, the data for payment will be included in the invoice we will be sending and payment should be processed within 24h; in case payment is not processed within Bio Desafios, Lda. Reserves the right to suspend the delivery of the order;
    b) Credit card (VISA/MASTERCARD) – in case payment is made through this method, debit will bem made on the Customers’s card immediately after the confirmation of the order’s dispatch; if any of the ordered products is sold out, the correspondente amount will be credited on the Customer card, after closing the order;
  1.2 Charge upon delivery – in case of payment through this payment method, the Customer will pay in cash to the company that will be delivering the order, on the very same date;
  1.3 The payment methods refered on numbers 1.1, line b) and on 1.2 involve payment costs, as stated in the web site. This costs add up to the order amount.


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